• JULY 24-27, 2025


Building Your Platform Through Podcasting

Among the many options available to writers to build their platforms, podcasting--as a host or as a guest--is one of the fastest growing, and for good reason. “Getting in someone’s head” through audio is one of the most intimate connections you can establish, and a well-planned and well-executed episode or guest appearance can help you build not only a community of listeners but also of fellow writers (not to mention the possibility, as a host, of earning some money). Matty Dalrymple, host of "The Indy Author Podcast," will share her learnings on how to use podcasting to grow your author platform. Based on her 5+ years and 120+ episodes of the podcast (and capitalizing on her love of the nautical metaphor for the writing craft and the publishing voyage), Matty will walk attendees through a “Captain’s Log” of considerations for optimizing your podcast experience, including: Why podcasting ... and why for authors? Determining your destination/goals (e.g., networking, paying it forward to the author community, learning, earning, etc.) Choosing your topic, format (e.g., solo, interview, panel, live or recorded), medium (audio only, audio and video), venue (virtual or in-person) Choosing your persona and brand Choosing the tech Preparing your space Finding great guests Being a great guest 

Difficulty level: all_levels


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