• AUGUST 17-20, 2023


Short Story Writing for Publication

The short story is not only the gateway to writing compelling longer fiction, it’s a legitimate and exciting literary form in itself. This workshop, taught by prize-winning author Elizabeth Sims, gets deep into the craft of story construction. Her goal is to help you approach the art and craft of writing short stories as a professional does, with ingenuity and verve.

Together with Elizabeth, you’ll do a bit of analytical reading, then move into techniques to help you create new material freely and without anxiety. You’ll learn foolproof ways to map out a story with an eye to producing publishable work.

Moreover, you’ll learn how to become a better writer on your own, going forward. Emphasis will be on how to choose and write story elements—such as structure, character development, dialogue, image, and conflict—for maximum economy and impact, as the short story form requires. Join Elizabeth for this brisk, inspiring workshop with Q&A afterward.

Difficulty level: all_levels


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